Well Jade is now in an open cot she is out of her incubator :) :) YAY and now wearing baby clothes, she looks so cute, and more like a new born now, also we breast fed yesterday again and she went for about 15 mins, then didnt give her a full feed of 31 mils after it they only gave her 20mls, i also have the Lactation Consultant there with me to whilst i was doing it, and she said that jade was excellent at it, and that we are to do at LEAST one breast feed a day and if she is wide awake and trying to suck on her hands we can give it a go then to even though it might not be her feed time at all, as she needs to start learning what hunger pains are :)
looks like there is a very high chance that Jade will be home for Christmas
best news I've heard all day. I'm so pleased for you and little Jade, she has done so well!