Sunday, 4 December 2011

Photo Of jade

Here is the beautiful little jade

Saturday, 3 December 2011

New blog

I have started up a new  blog so i can blog about stuff when i am with Jade as i find it hard to get on and write about things when i get home, as trying to find the time is quite hard, the new blog address is 1 Girl And 3 Boys

Baby Girl

Well Jade is now in an open cot she is out of her incubator :) :) YAY and now wearing baby clothes, she looks so cute, and more like a new born now, also we breast fed yesterday again and she went for about 15 mins, then didnt give her a full feed of 31 mils after it they only gave her 20mls, i also have the Lactation Consultant there with me to whilst i was doing it, and she said that jade was excellent at it, and that we are to do at LEAST one breast feed a day and if she is wide awake and trying to suck on her hands we can give it a go then to even though it might not be her feed time at all, as she needs to start learning what hunger pains are :)

looks like there is a very high chance that Jade will be home for Christmas

Thursday, 1 December 2011

About to Explode

I swear i am about to explode with anger soon!!!!!!!!

If everything else isn't enough that's going on at the moment, I know have debit collectors chasing me, for a power bill that's over due and an AVON account that is way over due

I have been stuck paying for just over $400 power bill, that i got while being in hospital pregnant with Jade, I was told by a person that is living with us that they would give us something for it to help out as they were sleeping in the lounge room where our plasma tv is and kept falling asleep and leaving it on all night, I told them that we got the power bill in and how much it was and all i got was "shit not good" after countless efforts to say that I couldn't afford still no money has been handed over for it!!!!!! so once again I AM stuck paying for it, and now have debit collectors chasing ME for it how the hell am i meant to pay whats owing ($302) plus the AVON bill of $190 by the end of next week when i am only on centerlink
I am still having to pay each week, the kids daycare, food for 4 adults and 2 children plus fuel for my car to get to daycare and back each week, and putting fuel in mums car so i can get up and see Jade everyday, if i drive up; i have to pay for parking, not to mention lunch while i am up there, plus also all the other bills that are in my name, and to top it off my car is in need of a massive service!!!!!

Like bloody hell what else can be thrown onto one person at one time!@!!!!! i really and honestly cant take any more,

I still feel like the bloody maid around this house, like yeah mum helps out though mum also runs me around to the hospital and back when i need to go up

though seriously how much is it to ask for someone else to stack the dishwasher or to do the dishes after i cook!!!!!!

I cant do this any more i am going to explode!!!!!!!!!