Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Kind words from People

I'm just really shocked from all the kind words and support that people are giving us for Little Jade,
i noticed today that there are a few things going around Facebook for her

Please friends, take a minute out to say a quick prayer for one of my friend's newborn daughter. She was born premature & is having some pretty serious medical issues. She is just the sweetest looking baby and a real fighter. Her Mom is one of the strongest, bravest women I know. She has two small children at home and just keeps getting up each day & fighting the fight. I don't know where she gets... the strength. They live in Australia and it is just amazing how much you can care for a family that you have never met and probably never will. It is such a helpless feeling to be so far away and not able to physically help her out. Utter frustration for me. So, please prayers for this little angel and her family. Thanks. xxxoooxxx
 and this one as well

Hi all, just asking if you'll either copy and paste this or take afew moments to pray for a precious little baby girl who's fighting for her life. Born at only 30weeks and 3 days gestation little Jade Sydney Atkinson has endured many medical problems during her short time in this world. Please pray to keep her spirit fighting. Xoxo
Thank you to everyone for everything you have all done, it brings tears to my eyes, knowing that there are so many kind hearted people out there, and most of you i will never have a chance to thank you in person

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